About the Developer

My background

My name is Jack Makers and I'm a software developer. As a developer, I have a profound interest in learning new technologies regardless of how similar they are to what I already know. It started with wanting to learn Android development which is where my app Loremaster came from and is continuing with my newfound enjoyment of web development. I hope that my passion for programming is evident in the effort that I put into these projects.

In my personal life I enjoy spending time with my family, playing games with my friends, and have a desire to learn the guitar. I enjoy working with electronics and built my own gaming PC. I would like to make the jump from Windows to Linux at some point, but have yet to do it out of concern for software compatibility

About Loremaster

I was inspired to create my first product, Loremaster after I had something of an epiphany. In January 2023 I was in the midst of reading Brandon Sanderson's Tress of the Emerald Sea, not long after it had released, I was reading it on my phone because they had opted to delay the print release by three months for varying reasons and although I prefer reading print books I didn't want to wait that long. As I progressed through the book I noticed that the Books app on my phone was tracking how much I read every day. It kept a streak of every day that I read five minutes or more. Over time, as I finished Tress and moved onto other books. I found myself wondering. "What about a stat tracking app for physical books?". Eventually I decided to start developing Loremaster, after being inspired by a friend of mine who had started his own small-scale project.

Loremaster is written in Kotlin, and built using Jetpack Compose, in addition to other android libraries such as Dagger/Hilt for dependency injection, and Room for persistent data storage. I plan on publishing it to the Google Play store soon.

About this Site

I've also recently started learning web development with Svelte and DaisyUI, which are what this website is built with. It's integrated with my github repository via vercel so whenever I push to main, the website is built and deployed automatically. This website began on 7/1/2024, and will continue to improve as time goes on.

About Wise One Labs

I started Wise One Labs as a way to publicize my personal projects, with a focus on making high quality software. I hope to make these products the best that I can.
